Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 9/2- 9/8


Clara is cutting a tooth! She hasn't slept all that great and chews on everything she gets her hands on, but other than that you wouldn't know she was teething. I can't see the tooth yet, but I can definitely feel it.

Landin has started phasing out naps. This week he only took a nap 3 of the 7 days. He still has quiet time in his room, but the sleeping has almost ended.

Landin has also become obsessed with being strong. Our milk gallons are on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator and he will carry it over to me and say "Mommy, I so strong. I a boy!" He does this with anything he would consider heavy. It's super cute.

Here are a few pics from this week:

These boys spent Labor Day working on Brian's car and fixing things around the house. Landin was so excited to work with his Daddy.

I will rock her to sleep until she's 18 if she lets me. Sweet baby.

Trips to Trader Joes are Landin's favorite. He gets stickers and a lollipop. Happy boy!

Snuggles with Daddy. All my favorites :)

I put up the pack and play for Clara to play in. She keeps rolling all over the house and Landin's small toys make me nervous. Every time I put her in it, Landin says "I sit next to her, please."

We went to visit Grandma Foster this week. He loved running around her back yard and playing with her butterfly bush.

We also played at the Hurst's house this week. Here is a pic of Clara and Cam. Yes, that is my big girl sitting up all by herself! She can't hold herself up too long, but she can hang there for a little bit.

Clara has started eating 3 meals a day along with my nursing. We added plums, avocado, carrots, peaches, and yogurt into the mix this week. She loves all the foods so far!

Landin has a hard time eating a meal. He is too busy to sit down that long, but to get his dessert he has to finish his dinner. He decided after his bath to come back downstairs and finish his dinner so he could have ice cream. This is him finishing his ice cream. Like father like son! :)

Snapped a quick shot of my Clara bear. Love this sweet girl so much! Cannot believe she will be 7 months at the end of the week.

Landin loves playdoh. He pretends to make so many things. I love seeing his imagination grow. Here is a picture of his playdoh watch and necklace. Today he made me a cheeseburger with ketchup. I don't even think he's had a cheeseburger before. Ha! :)

Every night Landin has to sleep with his monkey, kitty, and bear blankie. They are his favorites.

Tonight we had dinner at Bemaw and Pawpaw's house. Here is my Pawpaw and Clara. So sweet!

This week at Elevation Church we started a new series called "I don't know What I Believe." I had to post a picture of the new stage my talented husband designed and built. He's pretty amazing. ;)

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