Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 9/16-9/22


My little girl is starting to crawl! This is all happening way too fast. She isn't on all fours yet, but she will army crawl. I put a video up on my instagram of her crawling across the room, if you would like to check it out.

This week we went to see Thomas the Train at the NC Transportation Museum. He had a blast! He loved riding the train and playing on the bounce house. He also really loved the model train sets. It was a great family morning.

I bought these seasonal stickers out of the dollar bin at Target and planned a super cute counting activity, which Landin had no interest in. He instead decided he wanted to put all the stickers on this orange paper. He LOVED them and played with them for a good hour. So I'm going with strengthening fine motor skills ;)

 Clara wants to play with Landin all the time. If he is on the floor playing, she wants to be right beside him. He doesn't mind just as long as she doesn't mess with his toys. We have had MANY chats about sharing this week.

 Just in case you thought it was sunshine and smiles over at the Poole house. (and yes this was happening at the same time. )

 Since the weather has been getting so nice, we've been spending a lot more time outside. Landin has really started playing with his playground. He calls it his boy house. He's so cute. This morning he took his snack up there to eat it.

 Had a Target date (yes, I go there many times a week) with the Hursts. Landin and Bryleigh are so stinking cute together. He holds her hand and helps her down steps. Melt my momma bear heart.

 Cutie cutie. 

 The little ladies of our eGroup. Can't wait to watch them grow up together.

 I adore this moment. Caught Landin pushing Clara on the swing without me asking him. He is the sweetest big brother. Again...melt my momma bear heart. Love him so much.

 Little Panther fan!

 Thomas Day!! Sweet boy is holding onto his ticket for dear life. He could not wait to get on the train!

 My husband is the greatest dad ever. Thankful for him.

 My sweet girl is SUCH a snuggle bug. She had just woken up from her nap and just laid on me. I can't get enough of her. Wish I could freeze time for a little while.
Spent Saturday morning on a pumpkin farm for a friends birthday party. Happy Fall, ya'll!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 9/9 - 9/15


Clara turned 7 months this week. Boy, does time fly. The last blog post was dedicated to her updates over the past month. This week Clara has also cut teeth and there are 2! Two tiny little teeth poking through on the bottom. She has started sleeping a lot better and acting more like herself. Whew, glad that's over for now. ;)

 I have ton of pictures of them swinging and in every single one of them she is looking at him. She loves him so much.

 First time on the park swing!
 You can't really see it, but she's eating puffs! She usually makes a huge mess and has them all over her, but she LOVES them!
Some days he works with his right hand and some days his left. I can't decide what he's going to use!
 This boy LOVES to paint. He picked out these sponge brushes at Hobby Lobby and couldn't wait to use them.

 Grandma bought Landin a Panther's jersey and he loves it. He looks like such a big boy with it on.

 Since Clara loved the park swing so much, I put up the baby swing on our playground. Sweet girl.

 Remember last week how I told you Landin carries the milk around telling me how strong he is? I finally got a picture of it. He's the cutest.

7 month pictures of my baby girl!

On Friday, Brian woke Landin up from his nap for a boys afternoon. They played and got some ice cream. Landin was so excited!

The boys went out so the girls went shopping. Loved hanging out just us girls :)

Put new flowers in the pot on my front porch. Landin was so excited about these and kept smelling them. Thankful he is so excited because he helps me remember to water them!

My sweet babies in eKidz this weekend. Very thankful for the volunteers that take care of my little ones while I'm at church.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Clara Jane- 7 months

I cannot believe that we are already here. It seems like yesterday she was so tiny and slept the entire day. I love this age so much though because her personality is starting to shine.

Weight: 17 lbs 2 ounces
Clothing Size: 6 months, starting to fit into 6/9 month
Sleeping- She takes 2 naps a day. She's put down to bed between 630-7 and wakes up between 7-8. She STILL wakes up at least twice at night. I'm blaming the sleep interruptions on teething for now. Since she's cut the 2 teeth over the last week, I'm hoping she will sleep better.

New This Month:
- Cut her first 2 teeth (bottom, center)
- Started eating solid foods
- Scooting up to toys
- Falls asleep on her own if I leave her in her bed
- Baths with big brother
- Swinging at the park
- Sits up on her own for a good bit
- Can pick up and eat puffs

Fun things
Clara has the sweetest heart. I can already see it. She is still loves to snuggle and I rock her to sleep as much as I can. She really loves Landin. She loves to watch him, touch him, play with him. She just sees him and smiles. Clara is also very calm and flexible. She will sleep anywhere and doesn't fall apart if her schedule is off. I guess that goes with being the second child, but she is very "go with the flow," which I appreciate. I think she's going to be more like her daddy. :)

This month we started feeding her solid foods. The first week, she had the hardest time figuring out what she was doing. She didn't like the taste or the spoon. Nothing stayed in her mouth and everything ended up all over her and the floor. Then finally, she figured it out eating sweet potatoes and loved it. Now she opens her mouth up for me and knows when we sit in the high chair what to expect. She has liked everything I've made her so far. She does favor the fruits, but who doesn't!

Last month, Clara started rolling and this month we've moved to scooting! I better really start getting things baby proofed again because I don't think it will be much longer before she crawls. She gets up on all fours and will fall, but she picks up her feet and pushes herself forward to a toy she wants. She's very determined. It's so fun watching her develop.

Here are some pictures from this month: 

Happy 7 months, sweet girl! Mommy and Daddy love you very very much!