Size: 6-9 months
Sleep: Clara's sleep schedule is still about the same. We had daylight savings time this month and she has done so well! She's just ready to to bed around five. I have to push her to make it to six and then I put her down. She still wakes up between 7-730 am. She wakes up once at night. Starting to wonder if we are ever going to make it through the night. Coffee is this momma's best friend, for sure!
New this Month:
- crawls on all fours
- pulls herself to a standing position
- says momma, dada, and "baba" (which is what she calls Landin)
- tries to mimic what you say. She REALLY wants to talk :)
This month was full of fun things. I love this time of the year! We celebrated Halloween with great friends. Clara dressed as Landin's firehouse dog. She did great, even with her headband ears on! We also had our Elevation Staff Fall party. Clara had so much fun there. She would let anyone carry her around and would smile at everyone. Not much stranger anxiety yet, although she is DEFINITELY a momma's girl. :)
This month we also visited the cardiologist for a follow up appointment. Clara was born with 2 small holes in her heart. Obviously, I don't love the idea of this but the doctor has assured us that it would cause no problems. He said the holes can only do two things: stay the same or get smaller. Many people walk around with these even as adults. All good news! We will head back to see the doctor in a year to check on things, although our regular physician will keep an eye on it.
Clara is becoming such big girl as she's learning to pull up and crawl. Her favorite things to play on are Landin's train table (he doesn't love this), her piano, and play table. All things that she stands on! Landin has been doing better with her. He still doesn't love it when she plays with his toys, but is getting better about taking turns. He is definitely the oldest sibling and loves to boss her around. I see a future leader?! Ha :) When Clara is playing with a toy and he takes it away from her either because he thinks it's not a safe toy or because he wants to play with it, she gets SO upset. Drama queen in the making. As my Bemaw would say: this is payback! ;)
This stage is so fun and hard all at the same time. I'm trying to soak in every moment because they're going to be gone before I know it!
Pictures from this month: These are a little out of order.
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