Monday, May 12, 2014

Clara's First Birthday/ Snow days

Clara's first birthday is one I will remember forever. It was so special to me. Her birthday fell on a Thursday and Brian was supposed to be out of town from Wednesday to Saturday. To say I was disappointed about this would be an understatement.

Earlier that week Pastor Steven had released his 3rd book, Crash the Chatterbox, and had a radio show all day. Brian played a huge role in making the radio show. (so cool... I know) Anyways, that day it started snowing. Big time snowing. At first the roads weren't sticking, but by the early evening it was sticking everywhere. Now, I am a born and raised Charlotte girl. I am not made for the snow nor do I drive in it. (and yes, I already gotten my milk and bread) Therefore, I don't expect my husband to either or any other person for that matter. So when it started sticking, I was more than ready for him to come home. When we were all together safe and sound, it started coming down..hard. I LOVE it when it snows. I'm like a little girl waiting to find out if we don't have school the next day. I have the weather channel running all day.

But then, it kept on coming. Brian's flight was trip was pushed back a day. The Charlotte Airport completely closed down. Massive waves of snow came through the night into Thursday morning. We had 9 inches people! Brian, an Ohio boy used to this weather, was convinced he still was going. He was ready to drive in the mess to get to the airport. Luckily, the wonderful airlines called and cancelled his flight just as he was about to walk out the door and give me a heart attack. YES! A birthday miracle! :)

By Thursday, we had a ton of snow and it was still coming down. The Elevation offices were closed and we had an unexpected family day where no one could go anywhere. We spent the entire day outside playing in the snow. We built, well Brian built, our very first snowman! We took a nice walk and Brian pulled Landin in the sled. Clara, my birthday girl, was bundled up hanging out in the ergo on my back. We even enjoyed cupcakes at the end of the day for her. I couldn't have picked a better way to celebrate my girl turning one. 

Saturday we celebrated with a birthday party! And in true Carolina form, the snow had almost completely melted. Clara was surrounded by all her favorite people and had a blast! It was so fun to open all the girly presents!

Here are some pictures of our snow days and Clara's birthday:
This girl did not like her snow suit at first! What a face!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Clara's 12 month Update

Boy, did this hit me quickly! How is my little baby girl one!?

Size: 12/12-18m
Sleep: Well, as I write this we are struggling with sleeping. She has started having trouble taking two naps, so we are going to try cutting the morning nap. Landin cut his morning nap early too. Praying this is a smooth process without tears. I'm excited to be able to spend the mornings out again!
Food: Clara is doing great with table food. She has started to become a little more picky as she gets older. Some foods she used to love she won't eat anymore. She did break out a little when I gave her some strawberries. Nothing major, but we will wait another month to try again.
I've tried to wean her from nursing this past month. We are down to 2 feedings a day.  Landin decided he didn't want to nurse anymore the week before he turned one and he never looked back. Last week, I tried to cut her night feeding, but she would just not have it. She screamed for a good hour on Brian's birthday because she was so mad at me. Oh, well she won't nurse forever. I'll try again next month.

Clara is turning into such a little mommy already. She loves loves her baby dolls. She will put them in her stroller and push them around. She also loves to play with her little piano she got for her birthday. Clara is a big fan of the swing! She will just laugh so hard while she swings. Thankful we have a great swing set in our backyard!

Clara doesn't dislike a lot. She does not like when her brother takes things out of her hands. She will scream and make this little squished up face until I come and handle the situation. I guess she has me trained. ;) She does not like it when I cook dinner and she has to stay on the floor. She does not like when I leave her. Stranger anxiety has kicked in and she is quite the little mommy's girl. I'm not complaining though. :)

Clara is the sweetest, most snugly little girl ever. I most definitely still rock her to sleep most nights. Since the stranger anxiety has set in, she has trouble with me putting her in her bed at night time, so I take advantage of the situation and rock her. I know, this will not help her in the whole sleep training process, but she is just. so. sweet.

Clara has been such a blessing and source of joy this past year. She makes my heart so full. She has changed me into a better mother and I'm so grateful that the Lord would choose me to raise her!

(I'll do a birthday/snow day/party post soon)

Pictures from this past month:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Landin's 3rd Birthday

WOW. Can we just say this mommy was not really ready for her baby boy to turn 3?! He's such a little man. I've been thinking about what a difference this year has made in him. He can carry on a real conversation and tell you exactly wants. He can sing his ABC's and recognize most letters andddd he can count things up to 15! He also is the best little soccer player and can really throw a ball! He says he wants to play baseball, so we will see what happens this fall! He loves books, puzzles, tractors, trains, cars, and practically anything you can throw or jump on. Landin has the sweetest heart too. He loves his friends and his family so much. My favorite is when he sticks up for his sister or looks out for her. He always says "hey, that's MY baby!" We are very proud of our little boy and love him very very much!

Landin told me exactly what he wanted for his birthday party: a tractor party at Nana and Pappy's house with a hayride. So that's what we did. Here are a few snapshots. It was a great day!! :)

The kids LOVED the hayride! I only planned on doing one hayride, but they begged for another! Who can say no to those cuties!? Also they called my dad the farmer, which I secretly think he loved. :)

Little ladies of the party.

Doesn't that cake look awesome!? My mother in law makes all my kids birthday cakes. She is so talented!

This was so cute. All the kids gathered around to watch Landin open his presents. 

Big surprise was his very own tractor! He is still learning to drive it but getting better! :)

Happy birthday Landin!!